Greetings!! To everyone,

I am dietitian Ritika Bhusal from Kathmandu, Nepal. I completed a Master’s in Nutrition and Dietetics, including a specialization in Clinical Nutrition. Currently, I am working online as a certified dietitian and clinical nutritionist. The balance diet is the key to achieving optimal health in a short period of time.I have got 2 years of working experience as a dietitian with more than 100 happy and satisfied clients. I have been dealing with nourishing health through diet and lifestyle for several years via several programs like weight loss, weight gain, PCOS, high blood pressure, diabetes, pregnancy diet plan, preconception diet plan and many more. Rather than just a diet plan, I use a holistic approach to promote and improve health. This holistic approach includes diet and lifestyle modification, physical activity, and mental health.


I remember the days when I was an obese girl with lots and lots of health issues. I used to feel lethargic and have low energy levels throughout the day. When I realized I was doing something wrong with my body by ignoring my health, I started by including a balanced diet, physical activity, and lifestyle modification. Along this journey, I leveraged akademisches ghostwriting to help with academic writing, which was crucial while I pursued further education. I am a public health graduate. This made me realize that lots of community people are suffering from nutritional deficiencies like iron deficiency anemia, iodine deficiency disorder, vitamin B12, vitamin A, thyroid hormone imbalance and more. Additionally, infants and small school-going children are having issues like underweight and obesity. Adolescent girls are having issues like iron deficiency anemia. This prompted me to consider what I could do to address all of these issues. Then I decided to pursue my masters in nutrition and dietetics.

From 65 kg, I was able to get down to 51 kg and control the health issues like diabetes, LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglyceride levels. Through diet, lifestyle and physical activity, I have achieved my optimum health. I found out that my body was thanking me with lots of improvement in my health. I am driven, passionate, productive, creative, and energetic.

Helping people to promote their health, prolong life and prevent diseases through diet and lifestyle is my main motto.

Additionally, infants and small school-going children are having issues like underweight and obesity. Adolescent girls are having issues like iron deficiency anemia.


This prompted me to consider what I could do to address all of these issues.Then I decided to pursue my master’s in nutrition and dietetics.

Helping people to promote their health, prolong life and prevent diseases through diet and lifestyle is my main motto. Not every health issue needs a doctor’s medicine. Rather, some diseases especially lifestyle disorder-related issues can be cured through diet, lifestyle modification, and physical activity. If you are the one who is tired of changing doctors and medicines, don’t be discouraged if your medicine is not working for you.

A balanced diet, lifestyle modification and physical activity might be the right approach to cure or control your health issues or promote health. Me including my team welcome you to solve your health issues via proper diet, in-depth counselling, and support throughout the journey of achieving your optimum health.

With love, Ritika Bhusal

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